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Understanding Data Protection Principles

This guide offers an insight into the fundamental principles of data protection, crucial for organisations to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Principle of Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency

Organisations must identify a lawful basis for data processing. This principle ensures that individuals are not misled or deceived when providing their data. Organisations should be open and honest about their data practices, including collection, usage, storage, deletion, and sharing. An accessible, clear, and easy-to-understand privacy policy is essential for compliance.

Purpose Limitation and Data Minimisation

Data should only be processed for the intended purpose and not for any incompatible reasons. Organisations must limit data storage duration to what is necessary and justify the retention of data.

Storage Limitation and Data Security

This principle mandates that personal data should not be kept longer than necessary. Organisations are required to implement appropriate security measures to protect data from unauthorised access, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.

Principle of Accountability

Organisations must not only comply with GDPR but also demonstrate their compliance. This includes taking responsibility for adhering to all data protection principles.

Note: This guide provides an overview of data protection principles as outlined in the GDPR. It is intended for informational purposes and should be supplemented with comprehensive legal advice where necessary.