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Understanding Subject Access Requests (SARs)

Individual Rights and SARs

Right to Request: Every individual has the right to confirm data processing and obtain copies of their personal data, including supplementary information.

Recognition and Reporting

Recognition: It's crucial to identify SARs promptly and report them to the appropriate department without delay.

Forms of Request

SARs can come in various forms:

  • Telephone calls
  • In-person requests
  • Emails
  • Letters
  • Social media messages

Recognition Criteria

Identification: SARs may not explicitly mention "Subject Access Request" but must clearly indicate a request for personal data. Record the individual's full name and, if possible, another identifying detail like email or postcode.

Timely Reporting

Procedure: Note the time, date, and details of the SAR, then report it promptly to the relevant authority within your organization.

Response Time and Conditions

Deadline: Organisations have one calendar month to respond to SARs.

Charges and Refusals: In most cases, no fee can be charged, and requests cannot be refused unless they are repeated, excessive, or manifestly unfounded.